Country: Somalia
Closing date: 03 Mar 2019
1. Terms of reference
Job title
Duty station
Starting date
Contract duration
Reporting to
Supervision of
Job status
2. Job description
A. General context of the project
INTERSOS is a non-profit humanitarian aid organization that works to bring assistance to people in danger, victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Established in 1992 with support of the Italian Federation of Trade Unions, its actions are based on the values of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equal rights and opportunities for all people and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and the unprotected. INTERSOS identifies with the core values of CONCORD, the European confederation of NGOs; it adheres to international codes of conduct for humanitarian organizations and the values and principles expressed with those codes. INTERSOS is recognized by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the European Commission and the principal UN Agencies; it is privileged to hold and advisory status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). INTERSOS is an independent association which, though its own humanitarian operators, intervenes to effectively answer the needs of people in serious crises situations, mainly in the world’s poorest regions, who are suffering, deprived of rights, dignity and essential goods. It maintains a flexible operating structure. The head of office in Italy coordinates, supports and monitors the planned activities in the countries of intervention carried out by decentralized offices.
Brief Presentation of Intersos in the country
INTERSOS in Somalia is working in Protection, Education, WaSH, Health, Nutrition and Return Sectors.
The areas where INTERSOS has capacity to operate and is running projects are:
Banadir region in Mogadishu district;
Bay region in Baidoa, Diinsor, Qansahdere and Berdale district;
Bakol region in Wajid District
Middle Shabelle region in Jowhar and Balad.
In Dinsor District INTERSOS is implementing education and health activities through funds from UNHCR and UNOCHA-SHF.
v Background of the area to be assessed
The humanitarian crisis in Somalia is among the most complex and long-standing in the world. Armed conflict and widespread violence, as well as recurrent climatic shocks, perpetuate high levels of humanitarian needs and protection concerns. As of today, an estimated 4.2 million people, one third of the total population in Somalia, require humanitarian assistance and protection (HRP 2019). According to the HNO, the most vulnerable groups, who are exposed to the highest risks and are consistently socially excluded, include women, children, the elderly, child- and female-headed households, the physically and mentally disabled, people living in conflict zones, and marginalised clans.
Bay Region of Somalia experiences influxes of IDPs from nearby regions due to insecurity drought, depletion of livestock and rising of food prices.
Diinsor is located about 120 KMs south of Baidoa and population living in Diinsor district is estimated to be approximately 28’000 HHs. Diinsor district is currently isolated from other parts of Bay region and the only safe access in and out is through commercial flights (operated once a week). Security situation in Diinsor is volatile and access to the surrounding villages and movement outside Diinsor is difficult.
To date the security situation in Diinsor is quite, no attacks or incidents were reported for the last year. Ethiopian troops under AMISOM mission has base in Diinsor airstrip while Southwest army and federal army have fully controlling inside and outside of town.
B. General purpose of the position, responsibilities and tasks
General purpose of the position
General Objective
To conduct a WaSH assessment in Diinsor District in order to evaluate WaSH conditions. Areas/Villages to be assessed will be selected according to the main gaps and needs.
Main responsibilities and tasks
§ Produce an exhaustive analysis of the WaSH situation in Diinsor (infrastructural level and HH level);
§ Elaborate a 5 pages budgetized concept paper to define an intervention in line with the needs identified (prioritize needs, intervention zones and activities, most vulnerable populations, vulnerability levels and present the criteria for intervention, appropriate technical solutions)
3. Position requirements
*1st Step – Desk review (3 days)***
- Secondary data collection (general information, existing reports, context analysis, proposed methodology)
*2nd Step – Assessment Field Visit and Data Collection (7 days)***
Organize field visit in the selected villages in order to collect data on:
· Identification of priority needs with stakeholders and population in Diinsor
· WaSH situation in the villages
· Water Supply (GPS Mapping - Water sources – Facility Condition – Water Quality)
· Sanitary condition of the villages - Sanitation Design – Facility Condition
3rdStep – Data Entering – Data Analysis (1 day)
This step will be finalized by the Consultant who will be responsible to clean the data, collect it in the data management tool and create graphic to support the first Analysis along with secondary data collected.
4th Step – Reporting and Presentation of the Report and Concept Note (to be delivered within 5 days from the completion of the assessment)
Professional experience
- Minimum of 5 years total work experiences and at least 3 of which in a progressive individual responsibility in relevant work experience in similar position and with emergency and humanitarian organization, Experience in the field locations is an added advantage
· An assessment report in English
· Mapping of the WaSH infrastructure
· Stakeholders’ analysis
· 5 pages budgetized Concept Paper
Procedure And Logistics
The Assessment Team will be provided with the follow items to complete the Assessment:
1) Garmin GPS
2) Vehicle 4x4
3) Phone for KOBO Data Mobile connection
INTERSOS will be responsible for the security of the consultant while on Mission to Diinsor. The consultant will be asked to respect security and safety procedures as well as to comply with specific code of conducts.
Documents of reference
- Should be in a position to live and work in Somalia
WaSH Minimum Assessment Guidelines and Tools
WaSH Assessment Check List
Harmonized WaSH Assessment Tools
How to apply:
Application process:
Send CV and cover letter to be sent to with email heading “**WASH CONSULTANT**” by COB Sunday 3rd March 2019.