Country: Somalia
Closing date: 13 Aug 2019
1. Terms of reference
Job title
Senior protection officer
Duty station
Starting date
15th August 2019
Contract duration
8 months
Reporting to
Protection Manager
Supervision of
Community engagement officer, GBV and CP case workers
2. Job description
A. General context of the project
General context of the project
The objective of the project is to strengthen case management through direct service provision to unaccompanied and separated children, children at risk of being recruited by armed forces or groups and referrals of services for GBV survivors. This includes providing training ad mentoring to the CP and GBV staffs of INTERSOS including CPiE, the project aims to provide immediate lifesaving assistance to vulnerable populations.
B. General purpose of the position, responsibilities and tasks
General purpose of the position
The Senior protection officer will help to lead efforts in INTERSOS’s Gender-based Violence program in Bay region, working under the supervision of the Protection manager. The senior protection officer ensures quality prevention and response implementation and good coordination in line with international standards and best practices. The incumbent will be based in Wajid with frequent travels in other field locations.
Main responsibilities and tasks
Program Development and Management
· In collaboration with the INTERSOS protection team and local actors, provide technical leadership related to implementation of the GBV/Protection program
· Create and follow M&E plans, work plans, and spending plans to ensure timely and quality implementation of the work plan in coordination with field teams
· Write and contribute to project concept notes and proposals and develop budgets for continued and new programming
· Ensure essential, life-saving GBV services, including comprehensive case management and psycho social support, is available in line with international standards and closely monitored
· Collaborate closely with INTERSOS, government, and other NGO health staff to promote the clinical care for sexual assault survivors in line with WHO protocols
· Ensure safe and ethical data collection, storage, analysis, and sharing through the GBVIMS, using standard forms and database and monitoring adherence to inter-agency information sharing protocols
· Design and support monitoring and evaluation for project activities, provide technical guidance for surveys and rapid assessments and conduct field monitoring missions;
- Lead the documentation of project methodologies, lessons learned, and gather case studies;
- Prepare project status reports required for management, budget review and monitor the expenditures and budget tracking ensuring cohesion with planning processes;
- Actively participate in INTERSOS GBV sub cluster working group through sharing of information, lessons learned, tools and methodologies;
- Support INTERSOS Protection Department project development processes;
- Perform other related duties as required by the Protection Manager
· Implement evidence-informed, community-based GBV prevention and risk reduction strategies, including evidence-based community mobilization strategies, community-based protection mechanisms, economic and educational opportunities (where applicable), and protection and gender mainstreaming
· Analyse quantitative and qualitative data on a monthly basis to identify and monitor gaps, needs, and potential solutions
· Meaningfully engage local partners and community members, particularly women and girls, in all aspects of design, implementation, and monitoring in order to maintain inclusive programs, contextual relevance, and sustainability
Capacity Strengthening and Human Resources
· Facilitate workshops and staff meetings for the INTERSOS protection team to ensure GBV programming meets best practice standards and prioritizes the safety and security of beneficiaries and staff
· Participate in the recruitment of GBV staffs
· Create staff development plans in collaboration with staff
· Monitor and provide objective feedback related to staff performance, including completing staff performance evaluations to promote growth and professional development
· Supervise case management staff to ensure client-centred case management and psychosocial support services in line with international guidelines through one-on-one supervision, case consultations, observational exercises, and other regular mentoring and debriefing exercises
· Debrief with prevention and awareness raising staff at least twice per month to assess community mobilization and communication skills and topics of focus
· Coordination & Advocacy
Support the PM to Co-lead the GBV Working Group in south west state and maintain strong working relationships with all stakeholders – including women’s groups, community leaders, government stakeholders, NGOs, UN agencies, and CBOs to enhance multi-agency and multi-sectoral cooperation and coordination
Assist in building strong working relationships with relevant Government Ministries to address women’s issues and GBV appropriately in national policies, laws and guidelines
Utilizing IASC GBV Guidelines, collaborate with all clusters to ensure coordinated prevention and risk reduction interventions are integrated within each cluster’s strategy and activities
Explore potential formal partnerships with local women’s groups, national NGOs, and government social workers to strengthen their technical and organizational capacity.
3. Position requirements
· University degree in relevant area (e.g. sociology, statistics, community development, law and human rights);
Professional experience
· Previous experience in the humanitarian field in an emergency context working for an NGO, preferably in the protection sector in Somalia;
·Minimum five years professional experience in GBV and CP
·Previous experience humanitarian project management is required
·Good interpersonal skills to work effective with different stakeholders
·Excellent organizational, participatory training skills, team spirit, flexibility.
Professional requirements
· Project Management skills, including financial planning.
· Experience in psychosocial support, case management and alternative care for children is an asset
· Good reporting writing and communication skills is required
· Gender-sensitive and advocate for women, children and minority rights.
· Fluency in written and spoken English and Somali is essential;
Personal requirements
How to apply:
Application process:
Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications and experience are invited to submit their applications through email to with subject line as “**Senior protection officer**” by 13th August, 2019.
The application should be a cover letter and CV as one document and indicate the title of the position on the subject line this will ensure we capture your application in the right way.
Applications should include contact details of three professional referees. One referee must be the applicant’s Immediate supervisor.
INTERSOS is an Equal Opportunity Employer Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply Only short listed candidates will be contacted.